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All the latest news from GoodMaps – including awards, developments, and articles.


Mapping the Future: GoodMaps Unveils Its New Brand

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, GoodMaps has embarked on a transformative journey that complements the innovative and inclusive mindsets of our trailblazing and early adopting customer base. Our recent rebranding is not just a change in appearance but a reflection of our commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology…

The new GoodMaps mark features a stylized G that includes an arrow

Celebrating GAAD 2024

Theresa Reno-Weber, GoodMaps CEO. Accessibility is the cornerstone of a world where everyone can participate fully. As we celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, I’m reminded of the profound significance its message holds for me, our company, and the world at large. GAAD allows us time to…

The Global Accessibility Awareness Day logo features a keyboard with its cable forming a globe around the acronym GAAD.

AI and AR Smart Glasses:
Reinventing Indoor Navigation

Innovation Series #1  Â·  Written with Charlie Meredith, GoodMaps CTO. In the ever-evolving landscape of technological innovation, few advancements hold the same level of promise to reshape our daily lives as camera-based smart glasses. Though many of us may hear this phrase and think of failed augmented reality (AR) devices…

A view of an airport concourse through AR glasses showing directions to the gate.

Social Placemaking:
Sustainability Is on the Move

In an ever-evolving landscape of sustainable urban development, transit hubs are well-placed to play an integral role in shaping connectivity. These bustling transportation centers not only hold the potential for efficient mobility but also for fostering vibrant and accessible communities. And, as cities look to create sustainable and inclusive transit…

A rail platform with an alert notification of an inbound train.

Building a Sustainable Transit Hub with Efficient Navigation

With the need to build a more sustainable future, transit hubs are well-placed for meaningful change. Airports and rail stations – bustling centers of travel and commerce – serve as critical junctures in our urban infrastructure and, as such, have the potential to become central to sustainable innovation. By incorporating…

An aerial view of a green field with wind turbines and a digital ribbon connecting them.

Sound Transit: Bringing Accessibility to Rail

In 2023, GoodMaps partnered with Sound Transit (rail operators in the Seattle metropolitan area) to commence a long-term project to provide real-time, turn-by-turn directions and up-to-date scheduling information for all passengers. Beth Hamby, Sound Transit’s Senior Accessibility Program Manager, called GoodMaps “one of several promising technology projects Sound Transit’s…

Three sheets from the Station Information Sheet depicting a transit schedule, alert notification, and service alert.

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