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All the latest news from GoodMaps – including awards, developments, and articles.


Transforming Retail Strategies

Retail is an ever-growing industry that must adapt and respond instantly. From brick and mortar stores to online shopping, companies must adjust current practices to reimagine the customer experience both in-person and digitally. While the retail landscape has continued to shift, the pandemic has forever altered how we shop. Consumers…

How is Retail Changing? Adapting the customer experience

Accessibility in Digital Signage

The importance of inclusion in digital signage In public spaces today, signage is everywhere. One consideration that businesses and venues must take into account is not only the quality of their signage, but the accessibility of the signage. Technology designed with inclusivity in mind benefits all. What is digital signage?…

A busy transportation venue

The Benefits Of Smart Facilities Management

Most people aren’t aware of the countless processes, tasks, and efforts that must go into creating safe, efficient, and enjoyable places to live, work, and leisure. In our modern age, technology is constantly evolving, and our priorities are evolving with it. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an even more…

Smart Facility Management – The GoodMaps Advantage

Benefits of Dynamic Mapping

To keep up with our rapidly evolving technological world, businesses in every industry are implementing new initiatives and testing out new technology. Mapping is one of the most critical and necessary services across the globe. Mapping has made considerable strides in the digital sphere with features that do everything from…


Digital Twins and Indoor Mapping Solutions

Our society relies on technology… and our rapidly progressing digital world requires innovative technological solutions. Industries are constantly working to advance the technology they leverage in order to improve existing products and procedures. Digital twins are the result of this continual push for improvement in efficiency, design, and engineering. What…

A cross-section of a 3D map

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