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Embracing the Future:
2024’s Top 10 Mobility Innovation Trends

As we move into 2024 – driven by various cutting-edge technologies and a growing emphasis on sustainability – the mobility landscape is undergoing a transformative revolution. From intelligent, AI-driven transportation systems to groundbreaking vehicle designs and big data, the transit sector is witnessing a surge of innovation that promises to…

A 3D rendering of a rudimentary electric car in an urban environment.

Mapping the Future: GoodMaps Unveils Its New Brand

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, GoodMaps has embarked on a transformative journey that complements the innovative and inclusive mindsets of our trailblazing and early adopting customer base. Our recent rebranding is not just a change in appearance but a reflection of our commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology…

The new GoodMaps mark features a stylized G that includes an arrow

LiDAR Mapping for Precise Indoor Navigation

There are several challenges related to positioning in indoor spaces. Signal attenuation, multipath interference, and limited GPS coverage pose considerable obstacles to precise positioning. LiDAR-based navigation systems offer high-accuracy positioning and obstacle detection to assist with mapping indoor environments and provide reliable navigation data. Additionally, machine learning algorithms can enhance…

A scan of a staircase, visualizing how GoodMaps can create features with incredible detail

Inclusive Design’s Impact on the Modern Workplace

A diverse workplace is necessary for the long-term success of a business. Having a talent pool that consists of people from different backgrounds brings new perspectives and ideas and ensures you a broader range of communication skills and styles. However, if your office space isn’t accessible, it can prevent talented…

A conference room

Improved Wayfinding Can Help Reduce Missed Appointments

Attending a healthcare appointment shouldn’t be a daunting task. Inaccessible medical buildings, especially multi-level ones spread out across large campuses with a complex waiting area setup, for example, can be strenuous to navigate for some communities, including groups such as blind or low-vision visitors and those who don’t speak the…

A stethoscope resting on a white lab coat

Digital Wayfinding Can Create a Frictionless Experience in Venues

In a post-COVID world, we are eager to return to our favorite entertainment venues to enjoy live music, sports games, plays, exhibitions, and more. However, with the return of live entertainment came confusion and overwhelm when navigating large and crowded spaces. With digital wayfinding, visitors can navigate crowds without the…

Blue and black stadium seats

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